In Get Along, Little Pokémon, Ethan used a Jolteon as a "sheep dog" of sorts. Volkner used a Jolteon in The Eighth Wonder of the Sinnoh World! during his Gym battle with Ash. Jolteon was also seen under the ownership of Satsuki in Trouble's Brewing and Espeon, Not Included. Jolteon first appeared in The Battling Eevee Brothers, under the ownership of Sparky. However, because it's an Eeveelution, it can adapt almost anywhere. Due to the need of a Thunder Stone to evolve from Eevee, not many are found. Jolteon usually are found near power plants. Its fur also stands on end if it is angry or startled. Every hair on its body starts to stand sharply on end if it becomes charged with electricity, and the negatively charged ions in its fur create a constant sparking noise. If startled or angered, it can shoot out bristles that are sharp enough to pierce opponents. Every time its mood changes, it charges power. Jolteon are sensitive Pokémon and easily become sad or angry.

As a fully evolved Pokémon, Jolteon can learn Hyper Beam and Giga Impact. In order to gather power for electric attacks, it accumulates negative ions in the atmosphere, charges power when its mood changes, or amplifies the weak electric charge of its cells with the static electricity of its electrically-charged needle fur. Jolteon can use the same attacks that Eevee can use, with the addition of the ability to wield electrical attacks, as well as Double Kick and Pin Missile (move)|Pin Missile]]. Its height is 2'07" and weight is 54.0 lbs. It can make its fur sharp like needles this is similar to Glaceon, which also has fur that can be made sharp. Jolteon is covered in yellow fur, and has a white, spiky collar. It has large, pointed ears with black insides. It has four slender legs, each with a three-toed foot and a pink paw pad. Jolteon is a dog-like Pokémon with a very short tail, surrounded by a fringe of spikes on its rear. Apperance Voice actor: Kayzie Rogers (English)